Atlanta band Yacht Rock Review's instruments stolen from Texas hotel

An Atlanta band says they feel violated after someone took off with all of their equipment and instruments after a show in Texas last week.

Yacht Rock Revue, the popular Atlanta band who plays covers of soft rock classics and original songs, were in Fort Worth, Texas opening up for Grammy-winning singer Kenny Loggins.

What was supposed to be a highlight for the band turned into a nightmare when they woke up at their hotel the next morning.

The band discovered that someone had stolen their trailer, which had been attached to their van. In the trailer was every one of their instruments and piece of equipment they used during their shows.

Bandleader Nicholas Niespodziani told FOX 4 in Dallas that all the stolen goods totaled up to around $150,000.

"Our trailers were backed up within six inches of each other, so they cut off the locks that connected the trailer to the van and the hitch, they disconnected the transmission to the van and pulled the van forward 15 feet from where it was parked to get it out of the way so they could hitch the trailer up," Niespodziani explained.

The band has filed a police report, but say they had more disappointment when the hotel told the new station that its security cameras were not working that night.

Niespodziani said that the band even had Air Tags inside some of the instrument cases to track them, but whoever stole the equipment knew enough to throw those out in a nearby neighborhood.

"It was definitely done by a professional crew, this wasn’t like a smash and grab," Niespodziani said.

In a video posted on Instagram, the band recorded themselves discovering parts of one of the member's saxophone boxes tossed in the middle of the street.

Their asking anyone with information that could help reunite them with their equipment to contact the police department.

FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth contributed to this report.