Are you ‘Fit for Duty?’ Woodstock officers invite public to workout with them

Woodstock police say they have a unique new program to engage with community members that may also help them pick up a few new recruits. It's called Fit for Duty.  

Woodstock police say it's crucial for them to stay physically fit.  

"We can find ourselves doing any number of things from pushing cars out of the road, helping folks change tires one minute, and the next minute, in a foot pursuit with a suspect," said Woodstock Police Sgt. Dennis Hornes.  

They are using their workouts to connect with the community. On Thursday night, they hosted their first Fit for Duty session at the Woodstock Arts Event Green. 

"What better way to build a stronger community than to work out with them," said Sgt. Hornes.  

It's a way for citizens to meet and get to know the officers in a different environment. 

"They're people just like you and me. They have families, they go to work, they work out," said Logan Brown, who attended the workout.  

The Woodstock Police Department hold a Fit for Duty workout session at the Woodstock Arts Event Green on July 25, 2024.

The Woodstock Police Department holds a Fit for Duty workout session at the Woodstock Arts Event Green on July 25, 2024. (FOX 5)

"Anything we can do to break down barriers between the public and the police, so they get to know us on a personal level, that's community policing at its best," said Woodstock Police Capt. Matthew O'Keefe. 

They are also hoping there could be some potential recruits in the crowd.  

"Some people that may be interested in law enforcement but wouldn't come by the police department, but they're off work, and they're able to come by here, and join us in a session," said Capt. O'Keefe.  

Ciara Arriola says this is the perfect combination for her.  

"I love working out, and I've been interested in law enforcement, and so, I came out, and to see if I like it," said Arriola. 

The Woodstock Police Department hold a Fit for Duty workout session at the Woodstock Arts Event Green on July 25, 2024.

The Woodstock Police Department holds a Fit for Duty workout session at the Woodstock Arts Event Green on July 25, 2024. (FOX 5)

The police department hopes to make these Fit for Duty workouts a regular part of their recruiting. 

"Build some sort of relationship, and they like us, and we like them, and it becomes a mutual thing, and they want to come work with us," said Sgt. Hornes.  

The next Fit for Duty workout is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 17.  

All the details can be found on the city of Woodstock website or on the Woodstock Police Department's Facebook page.