Young Thug witness Kenneth Copeland drops single titled 'I Don't Recall'

Prosecutors grilled YSL RICO case star witness Kenneth "Lil Woody" Copeland on the stand in the racketeering trial against Young Thug and others in Fulton County courtroom on Aug. 12, 2024.  (FOX 5)

The star witness in the Young Thug and YSL trial in Fulton County has taken his newfound fame to the next level by releasing a new single titled, quite fittingly, "I Don't Recall."

Watch livestreams of the trial on the FOX 5 Atlanta YouTube channel

Kenneth "Lil Woody" Copeland has become something of an internet sensation since he began testifying in the trial on June 10. Apparently, testifying against Young Thug, whose real name is Jeffery Williams, and his co-defendants in exchange for staying out of jail (after being caught as a convicted felon with a gun in his vehicle) wasn't quite enough for Copeland—he's now adding "rapper" to his resume.

On June 7, Copeland made his grand entrance into Fulton County Superior Court, summoned to testify against Williams and the others. Initially, in a move straight out of a courtroom drama, he refused, pleading the Fifth Amendment. After spending a weekend in jail to contemplate his choices, he returned to the witness stand on June 10.

However, Copeland's testimony hasn't exactly been the prosecution's dream. His go-to answer, "I don't recall," has been his constant refrain—sometimes with a bit of flair, even tossing in the word "nothing" for good measure.

He's also helpfully informed the court that most of what he said back in 2015 was, well, a complete lie—his strategy at the time being to blame Young Thug and others because, in his words, no one could touch them due to their status as award-winning rappers. Sounds foolproof, right?


Thanks to his courtroom antics, Copeland has catapulted himself into the spotlight, and he’s certainly making the most of it. With multiple social media accounts on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, he’s sharing a delightful mix of content, including photos, music clips, videos, and live streams.

And just when you thought you'd seen it all, on Tuesday night, Copeland dropped a single titled "I Don't Recall."

Here’s a snippet from the first verse:

Hold on let 'em know the b'dness
I don't recall
I don't know them n*gga, I just know they spinnin'
I don't recall
Don't be asking me about no co-defendants
I don't recall
Don't keep asking me how a n*gga get it
I don't recall

The song is now available on multiple platforms, including Pandora, Spotify, and iTunes.

Copeland is also selling a T-shirt, tank top and tube scarf to go along with the song. 

Young Thug and 27 others were indicted in 2022 for violating Georgia's RICO or racketeering law and committing multiple violent crimes. Following the longest jury selection in history (10 months), a trial for Young Thug (real name Jeffery Williams) and several co-defendants got underway in November 2023. It is now the longest trial in Georgia history. Prosecutors are attempting to prove that YSL (Young Slime Life) is a criminal street gang responsible for numerous offenses, including murder. The defendants maintain that YSL stands for Young Stoner Life and is the name of a record label founded by Young Thug. Young Thug is facing 8 criminal charges. The trial has been plagued by various disruptions, including illnesses, the arrests of a juror and a lawyer, the stabbing of defendant Shannon Stillwell, the removal of the judge originally assigned to the case, and more.