Zoo Atlanta welcomes new southern white rhino
Mumbles is the newest member of the Zoo Atlanta family. (Zoo Atlanta)
ATLANTA - Zoo Atlanta is welcoming its newest member of the family, and it's an animal that's never lived at the zoo before.
Wednesday, the zoo got to meet Mumbles, a 9-year-old, 4,300-pound southern white rhinoceros.
Mumbles comes from the Houston Zoo in Texas and will be the first southern white rhino at the Atlanta zoo.
Zoo officials say Mumbles will be settling in for a while in the indoor area of his home, so he won't be seen by visitors at first.
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Eventually, officials say he'll be exploring his habitat, which was originally the home to the African elephants Kelly and Tara before they moved to the African Savannah.
"We can’t wait to introduce you to Mumbles and the important conservation story his species has to tell," the zoo said in a statement.
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