As NASCAR goes, so goes the nation?

Darlington Raceway will host the first live race since March 8th Sunday on FOX.

Real racing!  Real live sports!

All eyes will be on the FOX broadcast of NASCAR’S first live racing event since the COVID-19 shutdown began!

Is it a gamble? An unnecessary risk?

Well, considering Sunday’s afternoon’s race in Darlington will be run without fans in attendance, and with participants following strict protocols —not really.

Certainly less risky than a trip to the grocery story to buy more toilet paper.

But this is big news. NASCAR and FOX are taking what are essentially the nation’s first baby steps out of our social darkness with an eye on getting the country and our way of life back to normal —whatever that is for the foreseeable future.

“If you ain’t first, you’re last” —Ricky Bobby.

And let's not kid ourselves, NASCAR and it’s race teams are just like businesses all across America. They are staring financial ruin in the face.  It is time to re-start our collective engines!

Advertisers seem to be as restless as we are. writes of “extraordinary” advertiser interest in NASCAR and live sports.

“FOX hopes the NFL will also reignite an ad sales marketplace that has been reeling ever since live sports were cancelled in March.”

Nothing will signal “America is back!,” like the return of live sports.

While football still has a couple of months to adjust its schedule, the time is now for NASCAR!

It’s two-month period in sports purgatory ends Sunday.  And while any sport without fans cannot be considered sports, we will make a temporary exception under the circumstances.

The schedule is set. Seven races in 11-days.

Four Cup races, two Xfinity, and one Truck race to be run at Darlington and Charlotte, with the mid-week races expected to draw a lot of attention —something fans have been clamoring for for some time.

In time, the question will become — “when will fans be allowed to attend these races?”

I believe it will be soon.  Unlike most other sports, racing is not only outdoors, it also allows fans plenty of room to roam the grounds.

And get this…

There is word that the Winder-Barrow Speedway will actually beat NASCAR to the start/finish line.

They are planning to race Saturday night at the dirt track.  Fans will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing. I'm looking forward to some “dirty” stories from Winder this weekend!

So, to NASCAR and FOX, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you!

And to those who say, “let’s wait longer. Let’s not take any chances. This is the new normal." I say…. “LET’S GO RACING BOYS!”