'Happy Birthday Skipper': Bobby Cox celebrates 79th birthday

“He’s a tough old guy. His body has been through a lot” --Pam Cox

It has not been the best of seasons for beloved former Braves manager, Bobby Cox.

It’s been over a year since he suffered a massive stroke shortly after the Braves home opener, and his physical problems just seem to keep mounting (He has congestive heart failure and random bouts with seizures).

A conversation with his dear wife Pam revealed he had to be transported to the hospital just last Sunday. This, on a day he was enjoying the first live Nascar race in over two months (the only thing he enjoys more than baseball is racing!).

Complicating matters was the fact that she could not go to the hospital with him because of hospital protocols regarding the covid-19 virus. But he is home now resting and doing well, she said.

“He was so happy on Sunday watching the race! One minute he was laughing and happy… then the seizure hit.”

Bobby Cox turned 79 years-old Thursday and he is still fighting - we would expect nothing less of him.

He is surrounded by people who love him and working to see him through this challenging time.

“He’s a tough old guy.  His body has been through a lot” — says the woman who knows him best.

Happy Birthday Skipper. You’ve had our back for so many years. We now have yours.  Praying your 80th season brings you good health and happiness.