Kaepernick's fraternity marches toward Ford Field in support

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It's happening more and more across our community, people deciding to sit for the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance.

Last Sunday, with his Fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, Eric Brown decided to spearhead a peaceful protest towards Ford Field ahead of the football game. 

The walk's timing was apropos considering the week of controversy that would follow, including an image that surfaced Sunday night depicting a local man and woman sitting during the National Anthem at Ford Field. The season ticket holder who posted the comment, gave up his season tickets and was banned from Ford Field.

Friday night Fox 2 spoke with a youngster who says a teacher grabbed him from behind when he wouldn't stand for the National Anthem. 

Two teachers have since been suspended.

Brown says each flashpoint is creating a moment to get these discussions into the public discourse.

"I think we will get through it. I think at the end of the day people need to understand there only one race and that's the human race."