Schools playing major role in youth vaccination effort

Many elementary schools around the U.S. are preparing to offer COVID-19 shots that educators see as key to keeping students learning in person and making the classroom experience closer to what it once was.

Doctor shares tips how to ease your child's fear of needles

If your child is nervous about needles, you're not alone: two out of every three kids feel anxious about shots. Dr. Amy Baxter, an ER physician who invented the shot pain reduction tool "Buzzy," says there are three things that can really make getting COVID-19 vaccine or flu shots easier.

Millions of doses of children's COVID-19 vaccine begin shipping

The Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric vaccine cannot be given out until the CDC makes its final recommendations, which will likely happen Tuesday or Wednesday. Still, the FDA authorization Friday triggered the rollout of millions of doses of the vaccine.