Strong Storms Likely Monday Night

Warm, unstable air will arrive on Monday setting the stage for a round of strong to severe t-storms late Monday into Tuesday morning. The Storm Prediction Center already has much of the Southeast under a risk for severe weather including tornadoes. 

The greatest risk is to our west in western Alabama through Louisiana where a level 3 risk exists. This area will be the most likely to see tornadoes if they do indeed develop. The system will weaken slightly as it approaches north Georgia leaving us with a level one risk which will more than likely include the risk for damaging winds to 60 mph. Although a brief spin up tornado cannot be ruled out it is unlikely.

The main line of storms will begin to enter northwest Georgia late in the evening with the bulk of the activity coming through metro Atlanta around midnight to 3am.

Showers and a few t-storms will continue through sunrise Tuesday morning before colder, drier air moves in behind the front for Tuesday afternoon. Temperatures will drop all day long with readings in the 40's by the evening rush hour.