19-year-old hiker from Gainesville dies after falling into Tallulah River

A 19-year-old hiker is dead after falling into Talluluah River above Oceana Falls in Tallulah Gorge on May 3.

A search party was dispatched around 12:40 p.m. May 3 to locate the hiker. The body was recovered from the river a few hours later.

The hiker was identified as Exauce T. Kabeya of Gainesville, according to NowHabersham.com

Multiple agencies participated in the search, including Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia State Patrol Aviation, Hall County Sheriff's Office, Habersham County Emergency Services, Tallulah Falls Police and Fire Rescue, Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Lee Arrendale State Prison and others. 

Habersham CountyNews