2 shot during large brawl in downtown Athens early Sunday morning

Two people were shot during a large brawl just blocks from the University of Georgia campus early Sunday morning.

It happened around 2 a.m. near the intersection of West Clayton Street at the Hull Street. Athens-Clarke County Police say offices were down the street when they heard shots being fired and rushed to the area.

Police say officers found the crowd in the middle of the roadway and quickly worked to disperse those fighting.

Two people were found with apparent gunshot wounds to their torsos and were rushed to an area hospital with serious injuries. Both are expected to survive.

The name and ages of the victims have not been released.

Investigators are hoping someone has photos or videos of the brawl which could help them to piece together what happened.

Anyone who can help or has information, should contact Det. Hovie Lister at Hovie.Lister@accgov.com or call 762-400-7333, or Sgt. Scott Black at Scott.Black@accgov.com or call 762-400-7058.

Athens-Clarke CountyNewsCrime and Public Safety