Calif. dog has 17 puppies; breaks record for largest litter in state history

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A dog who looks after sheep and chickens in California has broken the record for having the largest litter in state history. 



Six to eight puppies is normal for the Maremma Sheepdog breed, but a 3-year-old pooch named "Stella" gave birth to 17... yes, we said 17!



"We really were just expecting maybe 10 at the most. But once the seventeenth was finally coming out we realized that this was going to be a lot of work. We were going to be feeding morning noon and night," said Napa Grass Farmer John Costanzo. 

All of the puppies have been spoken for and each will end up doing some very specific work on a farm of their own. 



The Guinness World Record for the largest littler of puppies ever is 24. 



Learn more about Napa Grass Farmer here. You can also follow Napa Grass Farmer on Facebook. 


