Carroll County deputy praised for reviving man after suspected overdose

Carroll County Sheriff's Office Deputy Cardell

The Carroll County Sheriff's Office praised one of its deputies for taking measures to save a man of a suspected overdose while she was off-duty. 

A sheriff's office spokesperson said Deputy Cardell, who serves as a school resource officer at Bay Springs Middle School, was on her way home when she stopped at a QuikTrip on Bankhead Highway. While inside, she learned a man was unconscious in a bathroom. 

Officials said Cardell found the unconscious 51-year-old man leaning against a stall. Officials said Cardell recognized the man exhibited signs of an overdose: paleness, profuse sweat and shallow breathing. While waiting for medical personnel to arrive, she delivered a dose of Narcan in his nostril. 

The man's girlfriend allegedly told the deputy he was a heroin user. After several minutes, the man woke up. 

The sheriff's office said he was uncooperative with medical personnel, even after he was told he was at risk of overdosing again after the effects of Narcan wore off. 

"Despite the male being uncooperative for medical treatment and maybe not fully understanding the circumstances surrounding the life-saving measures that Deputy Cardell took to save him, we know he has people in this world who love him and that would be grateful for Deputy Cardell's efforts," a written statement said.