Gwinnett father convicted of child cruelty in daughter's death requests new trial

Cledir Barros during his trial. (FOX 5)

A Gwinnett County father who was convicted of second-degree child cruelty in connection with the death of his 8-year-old daughter is asking for a new trial.

Attorneys for Cledir Barros filed a motion for a new trial in September following his guilty sentence. A Gwinnett County Superior Court judge announced plans for a hearing to go over that motion in the upcoming months.

The backstory:

Barros' wife, Natiela, is accused of beating his daughter Sayra to death with a rolling pin back in January after the girl didn't do her schoolwork. Natiela was Sayra's stepmother.  

Prosecutors say Barros didn't do enough to prevent Sayra's death, claiming he knew of prior incidents of abuse by Natiela. According to the Gwinnett County District Attorney's Office, Barros pulled his daughter out of school after teachers reported that the girl had come to class injured. 

During his testimony, Barros told jurors about why he told investigators he forgave Natiela after Sayra's death.  

SEE ALSO: State fires another DFCS worker over Barros child death case 

"At the moment of this incident, I forgave her simply because the spirit of God led me to forgive her, not consented to what she did, which was terrible," Barros said.  

Following his guilty verdict, Barros was sentenced to 10 years, with 8 to serve in prison and 2 on probation, with time served being awaiting trial considered part of that sentence. He was also ordered to have no contact with his remaining three children during that time. 

Eight-year-old Sayra Barros died Jan. 30, allegedly beaten to death by her stepmom. This photo is from her funeral announcement.

It was the third time Barros was tried on the charge after two previous trials ended in hung juries.

What's next:

In an order sent out on Monday, Judge George F. Huchinson III said that the court has appointed Barros new attorneys and that they have until July 3 to submit an amended motion. The state can then respond to that motion before July 10.

The hearing for the motion will take place on the afternoon of July 17.  

Natiela Barros faces three counts of murder, aggravated assault, and cruelty to children in the first degree. No word on when her trial is set to begin.

The Source: Information for story was taken from an order by Judge George F. Huchinson III and previous FOX 5 reporting.

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