Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin campaigns for Loeffler, Perdue

Former Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin traveled all the way to Georgia Friday to help incumbents Sen. David Perdue and Sen. Kelly Loeffler hold on to their seats. The senators face runoff challenges from Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock on January 5.

"It's so good to be back in Georgia," Gov. Palin told the crowd gathered outside the Cobb County Republican Party headquarters.

Palin's visit was the kickoff of the "Save America Tour" hosted by the conservative organization Club for Growth. The tour will make 35 stops in 22 Georgia counties over the next 10 days and will feature a long list of nationally-known Republicans.

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"You wouldn't be here if you weren't active in this mission, in this cause and the cause is to save Georgia, to save the Senate, to save America. We do that by electing Kelly and David," said Palin. The stakes, Palin said, could not be higher. Democrats already control the U.S. House of Representatives and will soon have possession of the White House. Republicans must maintain their majority in the U.S. Senate to avoid giving Democrats virtually unchecked power in Washington.

"If we this go around blow it and don't have the Senate, America will never be the same," Palin explained.

Democrats, however, see January's runoffs as their chance to avoid partisan obstructionism from the Republican Party when it comes to policies that President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris hope to enact.

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