Is Marietta's rottweiler, pit bull ban from off-leash dog parks fair?

In Marietta, specific dog breeds are banned from off-leash dog parks. Those breeds are rottweilers and pit bulls. 

Thomas Painter often brings his dog, Indy, to Lewis Park to run and play with other pups.

"Most dog owners are pretty good, but there are a few that bring their dog here that have no business coming here that are pretty aggressive," said Painter. 

There's a sign at the park that reads: "Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are prohibited from this off-leash area."

It's a Marietta city code that's been in place for a while. 

"To call out two dog breeds, I think it is overdue to remove the law," said Painter.

The city of Marietta currently bans rottweilers and pit bulls from dog parks, but some want to change that.

The city of Marietta currently bans rottweilers and pit bulls from dog parks, but some want to change that.  (FOX 5)

That's exactly what Councilmember Cheryl Richardson wants to do. Richardson has two Rottweilers: Aries and Zia. 

"My two are just goofy. We've had no bites, we've had nothing," said Richardson.

Richardson says other Cobb County cities don't have this rule, instead they typically note "no aggressive" dogs.

"The state basically defines an aggressive dog as a dog that has already had an attack. To just say you're a breed and you're aggressive, I just don't think that's right," said Richardson.

Richardson wants to replace the "no Pit Bulls or Rottweilers" with "no aggressive or vicious dogs" by the state definition. 

The city of Marietta currently bans rottweilers and pit bulls from dog parks, but some want to change that.

The city of Marietta currently bans rottweilers and pit bulls from dog parks, but some want to change that.  (Supplied)

She knows not everyone will agree with her.

"I know people worry about those kinds of dogs," said Richardson.

"I've met a lot of people with rottweilers and they're super sweet. But, you hear a lot of stories about others, and they're not so sweet," said Monica Quiroga, who was at the park with her dog Sophie.

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The city of Marietta currently bans rottweilers and pit bulls from dog parks, but some want to change that.  (FOX 5)

Quiroga says dog owners should know how their dog will act at an off-leash park.

"Ultimately, they are the ones who know their dogs," said Quiroga.

The Parks and Rec committee will take a look at any possible changes. The full city council could vote on it as early as the next council meeting in October. 

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