WATCH OUT! Bear break-ins reported in Sugar Mountain

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According to the Village of Sugar Mountain's Facebook page, they've had a bear causing property damage on Grouse Moor Dr. and Chestnut Ridge Condos.

They're asking folks to please call Avery Communications at 828-733-5855 to report a sighting and the police will come to assist.

They said the SMPD is currently working on a legal resolution to the nuisance bear. Officials said, "Please remember to make plenty of noise when out walking and keep smelly trash away. Also, keep any type of food or even packages of mints or gum out of your vehicles."

Christa South was the resident whose car was broken into on Grouse Moor Drive. Here’s her narrative on what happened:

"I had some noodles and chips in my car. The bear got that plus a can of air freshener. It happened on Saturday night around 11pm. In my driveway. I heard the car horn going off and told my dad and he went outside to check it out. He saw my car door open and trash everywhere and the bear was trapped in their car. A police officer removed him and he just ran up the road. We both have Priuses. My parents was a 2010 black Prius (it was totaled. All of the insides of the doors were ripped off. The seats were ripped everywhere.). Mine is a 2007 red Prius. (Little damage. Just a broken mirror and a hole in my seat.)"
