Who killed Landon Andrews? Investigator renew efforts in 2021 murder of teen

Landon Andrews (Family photo)

Landon Andrews, a 14-year-old Cobb County boy, was shot to death three years ago at a Cherokee County house party. The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office has renewed efforts to solve the 2021 murder by releasing a new video

Thursday marked the third anniversary of Andrews' death, the only unsolved murder in the county in decades. Authorities hope the new evidence will help bring closure to his grieving family. 

Andrews was shot in the torso during a party on Victoria Road on Oct. 17, 2021. He was found inside an SUV and rushed to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital, where he later died. Jaden Simmons, 19, also sustained gunshot wounds to his hand and elbow that night. Investigators have processed hundreds of pieces of evidence and interviewed numerous witnesses who were at the party, many of whom described the chaos when the gunfire erupted. 

SEE ALSO: Mother of teenager killed at a house party recalls the last moments with her son

Landon Andrews was a student at Kell High School. His family has established a foundation in his memory, offering scholarships and support to families in need. As Andrews would have been preparing to graduate in 2024, the Sheriff's Office is calling on the public to help bring justice to his family, who continue to seek closure. 

Despite extensive efforts, detectives are still searching for firsthand information about the events leading to the shooting. The Sheriff's Office has set up a hotline at 770-501-8987 for tips, urging anyone with knowledge of the incident to come forward. Tipsters can remain anonymous.