City of Atlanta works to out 'junk fees' for renters

An Atlanta official tells council members it is unfair for tenants to lose a rental deposit should they try to back out after learning about so-called hidden fees.

Josh Humphries, an aide to Mayor Andre Dickens, explained applicants see an advertised monthly price for an apartment.

They are required to put down an application deposit that may be as much as $200.

Humphries said when the would-be tenant tries to finalize a lease, there can be numerous charges that he calls "junk fees".

"You see, a fee for trash pickup, a key fee and other recurring charges," Humphries said. "All of a sudden, a monthly payment of $1,200 becomes $1,400 a month."

If the applicant decides they cannot pay the full cost, Humphries said they lose that deposit.

City council members took action, although a limited step.

For properties that receive some city government funding, the council is demanding all fees be disclosed so that prospective tenants will know how much they are expected to pay.

AtlantaHousingNewsAtlanta City Council