Neighborhood fighting back over proposed waste refuse transfer station

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A Loganville neighborhood is fighting back against a proposed solid waste transfer station.

Residents told FOX 5 News they don’t want the trash backed up against to their backyards.

Larry Rose, the President of the Kensington Forest Home Owners Association showed reporter what he fears.

“The end of our subdivision property is just past this ravine so it would butt up against that property right there is the property in question,” said Rose.

Here’s the application for the rezoning:



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He said he talks about not wanting a solid waste 50-acre transfer station in his back yard, it’s not an exaggeration.

Rose is also concerned about what could come with all the trash.

“An increased amount of rodents and birds and things like that because we are literally if you look at the back of our property it touches this property,” said Rose.

Here’s the application for the special use permit:



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He said 47 homes would be affected by a new waste transfer station nearby at 875 Ozora Road.

Rose told Fox 5 News about two thousand homes in neighboring subdivisions would also feel the impact.

Maryann Zudekoff, the Vice President of the Kensington Forest HOA, said she’s concerned about changing the very character of the area.

“My biggest concern is changing this area from primarily residential to an industrial area, concerned about the noise, the pollution it will cause,” said Zudekoff.

Residents met FOX 5 News with a banner already prepared to voice their opposition against the transfer station where local trash would be held temporarily then relocated to a landfill elsewhere.

They pointed to Gwinnett County already having similar facilities in place.

The applicant involved, Mahaffey Pickens Tucker, LLP out of Lawrenceville had no comment.

Here’s the preliminary agenda package for the July 2, Planning Commission meeting:



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Residents here said besides traffic and other headaches they’re also concerned about their property values.

“We’ve done a lot of research on that and we found is on average it typically reduces property values by about 35 percent,” said Rose.

The Gwinnett County Planning Commission takes up the issue at its July 2 meeting.

If approved, it’ll then be considered by the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners later in the month.

Here is the link to the groups' Facebook page
